Monday 23 April 2018

What is spirituality (روحانیت کیا ہے)

What is spirituality 

What is spirituality , spiritual, spirituality,روحانیت کیا ہے,روحانیت

What is spirituality,روحانیت کیا ہے
What is spirituality (روحانیت کیا ہے)

What is spirituality

It is said that spirituality is such a light after which there is no guidance after which there is no error, and spirituality is such a power which does not break. But the question is that what spirituality is

The soul is the Arabic word and it means John, the Church and the Power. Quran is in a jurisdiction that we (Allah Purity) spread our spirit in human beings. And then we (Allah) have given the Holy Spirit to Jesus Christ. Here the soul also means that the soul is also known as spirit and also the power and spirit. Spirituality means that spirit passion and spirit of the soul and others. Allah is the light of all things, and He has the power to give it to Himself. And when spirituality comes into fame and madness, he performs such a thing (miracles and deeds) that ordinary men cannot do in normal circumstances. One idea of ​​God's nature. It is spirituality to stand in the imagination and spirit of one God and feel spirituality
It is a long time witness that the prophets, apostles, priests, and guardians did such a thing that humans were amazed. For example, Noah A.S took his followers in the ark and saved them from a great storm. Abrahim A.S escaped from the fire planted by Nimrod. Hazrat Ismael A.S escaped slaughtering under the knife. The companion of  Salaiman A.S invoked Bilkis's throne to blink. Hazrat Salih A.S took a camel from the mountain. Similarly, the nerves of Musa A.S (Moses) swallowed the snakes of the sorcerers and made the way in the sea and made the mountains flowing through the mountains. Jesus corrected the leprosy and rescued the dead. And the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH arranged the palm trees. He taught the words to the apostles. Feed the rivers with water. Two tons of rocks and many other miracles show
Ali al-mu'minin traveled from Madina to Khyber in friction of seconds. Hazrat Ghaus al-Azam Mr. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani survived the dead bodies and sank the deaf. Data Ali Hajjari ordered his shoes to Shoot the magician flying in the air and bring them down to the ground. Baba Farid Ganj killed the sparrows and survived them again. Shams Torizai said that in the ear of the king, elephant that time should be seen, is it time to die, stand up and he is alive. Many miracles and deeds of famous are famous
All this is what the soul of the soul used to do. The body dies and the soul does not die. The spirit does not die, but this world (worldly life) transit from this world. It does not have a calculation, because its calculation is here It's gone. That's why he is free and wants his own strength. He gets what he says and gets what he wants. He always lives, beauty, jealousy, and endowed blessings, and God is pure. He does not have any fear or grief. All this helps him to find God, love God, worship Him and to worship Him and His love and love and attitudes. His faithfulness has faith in faith and strength The intention is strong and he does such a thing that the mind remains stupid, because this time does not exist, but God himself is the real one. In the book Nawaaf al-Hadeith al-Qadri, Allaah says that I am his hand. I go to the person whom he catches and works; I become his feet from which he walks, I become his ears from which he hears and I become his tongue. Lata, and that is because they say it is God, and everything is in order
Look, the Almighty God is a power, absorption and madness, and a great faith and strong power is intended. The operation also has the spirituality. The supreme strength has a great faith and strong power, and in the mention of God is more reverent in the beliefs and beliefs. And there is great kindness in worship and worship and the desire of the slave, and what is the intent of the slave or what He gets out of the mouth, he gets full and gets his strength. He gets what he says and gets what he asks. He creates himself his heavenliness and finds out whatever he wants. He also comes from the operation and is also in the sight of Peer. If God's wrath be done, there is a name of pureliness and humility, which man can see and can do something and it is possible from the power of goddess
Knowledge reaches anywhere in the middle of the spirituality of awakening and dreaming in spirituality. And the universe meet the souls in the world and see future events with their own eyes. And their dreams are also true. Allah gives whom He wills
These are great decisions. It's a great deal
The advantage of spirituality is that the spirit of man is happy. If the soul is happy, man is happy and does not suffer from illness and distress, and man is ill when the soul becomes ill. And then it is ill when it does not get its food, namely Allah. The Qur'an mentions that and by the mention of Allah, hearts get calm

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